Which Topics Would I Like to Be More Informed About

Ever feel like there's so much more to learn, but not enough time? In this post, I dive into the topics I want to explore deeper, from tech trends to personal growth, and why staying curious is key to growth.

Which Topics Would I Like to Be More Informed About

We all have that running list in our heads. These are topics we’re curious about but haven’t quite had the time to dive deep into. I often find myself in the same boat. Whether it’s because I’m juggling work. Or family. Or just trying to get through the day without forgetting my coffee on the kitchen counter. There’s always a reason why those areas of interest stay unexplored. But lately, I’ve been thinking. What if I made time to learn more about the things that keep tugging at my attention? Here’s a little glimpse into what’s presently sitting at the top of my “must-know-more” list.

Generative AI and Its Impact on Cybersecurity

I’ve spent considerable time researching the impact of Generative AI on Cybersecurity for my MBA in ITSM. Despite this, I’ve only scratched the surface of what this vast area holds. I’ve only scratched the surface of what this vast area holds. Sure, I’ve read articles, attended webinars, and done some practical applications, but there’s so much more to uncover.

I remember when I first encountered AI-powered tools, I was blown away by their potential. Yet, with great power comes great risk (thank you, Uncle Ben). Cybersecurity is evolving rapidly, and I often wonder: How will AI reshape it? Will we see more sophisticated attacks or smarter defenses? It’s one of those areas where the learning curve feels steep. I know it’s a mountain worth climbing. This is especially true when my work as a production manager often crosses paths with operational security.

Parenting & Preparing for Fatherhood

Rajashree and I are expecting our baby in just a few weeks. Let me tell you, nothing has been more exhilarating. It is also slightly terrifying to think about stepping into fatherhood. I’ve been reading books, listening to podcasts, and asking friends about their experiences. But let’s be real: I’m still far from being fully prepared.

I can’t help but recall the moment I first felt the baby move — it was surreal. It hit me that soon, I’ll be responsible for shaping this tiny human’s world. There’s so much I want to know more about. I want to learn about parenting styles. I also want to understand how to create a nurturing, balanced environment for our child. What’s the best way to foster curiosity? How do you handle those inevitable sleepless nights? These are questions that constantly linger in the back of my mind.

Investments Beyond Mutual Funds

I’ve been learning about investments for a while now, mainly focusing on mutual funds, large-caps, and mid-caps. I’ve made some decent progress. This is thanks to mentors like Ankur Warikoo. We also have the X Money community, where we discuss various financial strategies. But I know there’s more out there. There are realms beyond just mutual funds, like real estate investments or even cryptocurrencies.

One day, while discussing financial freedom with a friend, he mentioned how diverse portfolios have helped him weather economic fluctuations. That conversation stuck with me. How can I diversify smartly? What are the upcoming trends that I need to be ahead of? These are the questions that keep my curiosity in overdrive. I’m slowly building up my knowledge. I’d love to dive deeper into creating a more robust financial strategy for the future.

Health & Fitness: Finding Balance Amidst the Chaos

Here’s a truth bomb — with everything going on, health often takes a backseat. Between late-night shifts and project deadlines, I gravitate towards the couch after a long day. I haven’t been the best at prioritizing fitness. Every time I watch a health video, I’m reminded of how crucial it is to take care of myself. When I read about someone’s transformation journey, I’m also reminded of this. It is especially important with a little one on the way.

I’ve been thinking more about how I can find a better balance between work, personal growth, and fitness. Can I integrate small daily habits that make a difference? What’s a realistic fitness routine for someone with my schedule? I’ve started with short bursts of exercises here and there. I’d love to learn more about long-term strategies that fit my lifestyle.

Mindfulness & Emotional Well-Being

Stress is inevitable, especially when balancing work, life, and everything in between. I’ve always found ways to cope — whether it’s listening to music, catching up on audiobooks, or taking short naps. But mindfulness is something I’ve always been curious about. Not just as a quick-fix, but as a long-term tool to handle life’s ups and downs.

I’ve used the Calm app for meditation on and off, and every time I do, I feel better, more grounded. Still, I wonder: How can I incorporate mindfulness into my daily routine in a way that sticks? What are some simple practices that help me be more attentive and emotionally resilient? It’s a journey I’m eager to explore further, especially with fatherhood around the corner.

Wrapping It Up

I think what excites me the most about these topics is that they aren’t just “good to know.” They’re essential for both my personal and professional growth. There’s a lot of learning ahead. It be understanding the future of AI. It be figuring out how to be the best father I can be. Or it finally nailing that fitness routine I’ve been putting off. There’s a lot of learning ahead. But that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? The journey never ends — it only gets more interesting with time.

So, what about you? What’s sitting on your “must-learn” list, waiting for a deep dive? Because trust me, no matter how much we know, there’s always something new to explore.

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